Specialty Items

Statuary memorial pieces are the perfect accent to your memorial space. Choose from beautiful a wide selection of statuary and sculpture art. Your design can be crafted in many materials from granite and bronze to marble and other natural stone materials. Each piece is handcrafted with the finest attention to detail.

Cremation urns are vessels for a loved one’s ashes and are designed to hold either a portion or the entirety of the cremated remains. There are different types, materials, and sizes of urns that can be used for land burial, for water burial, to keep on display, or to rest inside a private memorial or columbarium niche. It’s best to start with how you plan to use the urn in order to narrow the selection to the appropriate type. The size should be selected to ensure its capacity is comfortably accurate. The rule is one cubic inch for every pound that the person or pet weighed. Then, select your material, style,design and finish. Whatever the final resting place for the urn, you will find there are many beautiful distinguished designs from which to choose.

Nothing accents a memorial or displays your endearment for loved ones like a fresh bouquet of flowers. Eagle Memorials stocks a large variety of Vases available in many colors and styles. Select from granite, marble, bronze, and other specialty styles and shapes, including square.

Pet Memorials
Pets become loved members of a family and their passing often leave owners with a heavy heart. Honor their loss with a special memorial. Choose from beautiful pet memorial stones, grave markers, plaques, cremation urns, and other unique pet memorial items. We have several types of Pet Memorials in stock in many different styles.
Eagle Memorials
327 West St.
Tonganoxie, KS 66086
📱(913) 369-9453
📱(785) 331-7400
Tue & Wed - 10am to 5pm (Appointments Encouraged)
Mon, Thu, & Fri - Please call to schedule an appointment