(913) 369-9453 sales@eaglememorials.com

Memorials Planning

Before you purchase a memorial for someone very special or perhaps to plan for yourself in advance, there are many things to consider about the type of memorial and the cemetery where it will be placed. For many of our customers, this is a new experience and understanding all the procedures, restrictions and terminology about memorials can be quite confusing.

First, you will be purchasing a burial monument that will last for centuries and may serve as a primary source of historical data for future generations. For this reason, you want to use our expertise to assist you in making this long-lasting memorial decision.

Next, you should know that cemeteries may have restrictions regarding memorials. Many have very precise rules covering specifications: style, size, color, installation, foundation, etc. Others may be more accommodating. Certain sections in cemeteries are often dedicated to certain styles: upright, flat, etc. Some cemeteries may only allow lawn level bronze or granite burial monuments. The type size and style of burial monuments you choose may be significantly influenced by your choice of cemetery property. Once you have decided on a cemetery or are looking at a list of choices for a cemetery, talk to them and get the specifications so that we can guide you toward appropriate options.

Cemeteries also usually have a charge for placement of your memorial as well as widely variable perpetual care costs. We would be happy to personally educate you on these and other important considerations and answer any of your questions. We here to help you choose the right options.

Eagle Memorials

Eagle Memorials

327 West St.
Tonganoxie, KS 66086


📱(913) 369-9453

📱(785) 331-7400



Tue & Wed - 10am to 5pm (Appointments Encouraged)
Mon, Thu, & Fri - Please call to schedule an appointment


Proudly Serving

Lawrence, KS | Kansas City, KS
Tonganoxie, KS | Bonner Springs, KS
Lansing, KS | Leavenworth, KS | Topeka, KS
All of Northeast Kansas & Northwest Missouri