Custom Signs

Stone Signs
Eagle Memorials can create stone signs or markers that will withstand the ages. Stone signs are an economical and elegant long-lasting solution to identify towns, neighborhoods, housing developments, businesses, golf courses and parks. Stone signs will outlast other type of signs, require virtually no maintenance, and rarely need replacing. We also have boulders in lots of sizes and authentic stone fence posts from Kansas.

Customize Your Sign
Eagle Memorials can customize yard stones with names, addresses, custom artwork. This is with whatever inscription or design fits in that area of the rock and pricing is based on the size of the rock or stone.
We also have a selection of holder stands!

Limestone Fence Posts
Eagle Memorials can customize a limestone fence post with names, addresses, custom artwork as well. This is with whatever inscription or design will fit in that area of the rock. Priced from $440.00.
Custom Yard Rock Pricing
(Pricing Includes All Engraving)
3” to 3 1/2” Thick Quarried Limestone (Sawn Face and Back)
We offer a full line of custom residential and business stone signs. The final product may feature name, address, art, and licensed logos. Since rocks are individually shaped, carved, and finished pieces of art, we cannot guarantee your rock will be identical to sample pictures in our gallery. Actual sizes and weights may vary. However, we aim to deliver the highest quality finished product.
Eagle Memorials
327 West St.
Tonganoxie, KS 66086
📱(913) 369-9453
📱(785) 331-7400
Tue & Wed - 10am to 5pm (Appointments Encouraged)
Mon, Thu, & Fri - Please call to schedule an appointment